Thursday, March 15, 2012

German Chocolate Fudge

The flavor of the day was again too enticing to pass up. I am a big coconut fan, and one of my favorite cakes is German chocolate. As a result, my seventh concrete mixer was chocolate, coconut, brownie pieces, and caramel.

The first thing I noticed when my mixer arrived is the brownie pieces sitting on top of the chocolate custard, so I mixed them all together and took my first bite. The flavor was good, but it was missing something. Without pecans or walnuts, one can't possibly replicate the taste of German chocolate cake.
As I have said in previous posts, I don't mind chewing my ice cream. With this mixer, my jaw was sore afterwards. Overall, it was good, but no pecans or walnuts and too many brownie pieces.

Rating: 2.5 out of 5

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