Friday, December 9, 2011

Vanilla, Banana, and Snickers

My fourth concrete mixer was vanilla, banana, and Snickers. I suppose everybody knows that bananas and chocolate is a tasty combination. Bananas and peanut butter is also very good. Bananas foster is very popular, which is basically bananas and caramel. Given these facts, it would follow that bananas and snickers would make a good concrete mixer.

The first bite was full of banana flavor, which for me was a good thing. As a took more bite, I got chucks of snickers. I expected them to be hard as a rocks, but they surprisingly crumbled in my mouth. It was as it the snickers was hollow inside. In general, the concrete tasted more like bananas and chocolate chunks than bananas and snickers. There were a couple of bit with a hint of peanut and/or caramel, but I could have used more. Overall, it was good, but not great.

Rating: 3 out of 5

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